Driving in Iceland
When driving in Iceland you might come across some driving conditions that you are not used to in your home or native area. Our team have put together a short blog regarding what you need to be aware of when driving around our beautiful country.
Driving through sand, ash, gravel, pumice, and other such material.
It is important for drivers travelling through sand, ash, gravel, pumice, or other such material to follow advice from authorities and to seek information on weather and road conditions. Information on road conditions and weather can be obtained by dialling 1778 for the Icelandic Road Administration and 902-0600 for the Icelandic Meteorological Office.
Under most circumstances, it is safe to travel through areas affected by the above-mentioned materials but depending on weather and winds, cars can be damaged. Due to this fact it is important for all drivers to show caution and be aware that the SADW is the only insurance that covers damages caused by ash, sand, gravel, pumice, or other such material being blown onto the vehicle. Please ask our staff for all information on
Sand & Ash Damage Waiver.
Safety Precautions & Car Care
-It is important to drive according to conditions at all times.
-Roads may be more slippery when wet and covered with sand, ash, gravel, pumice, or other such materials.
-Avoid driving when the above-mentioned natural material is blowing in strong winds. These conditions not only cause poor visibility, but the paint and glass on the car can be damaged (not covered by normal insurance).
-If a vehicle is driven through volcanic ash or is in an ash affected area, there is a danger of air filters and other ventilation equipment being blocked, which may, in turn, affect the running of the engine or cause other failures.
-It is important NOT TO WIPE the surface if the car is covered with ash (DON'T DRAW IN THE ASH).
-Ash must be sprayed off with clean water and the car cleaned with mild soapy water (DO NOT USE BRUSH).
-It may be necessary to dry the surface carefully in order to prevent drops with volcanic materials from getting stuck to the surface of the car (any residue can burn the surface in the sunlight).
-Glass and windows must also be cared for and windscreen wipers should not be used unless the windscreen is absolutely clean.
New optional SADW insurance
Due to the recent volcanic eruptions in Iceland, the risk of damage to the paint and windows of cars has increased. Until recently, no insurance has been covering such damage and insurance companies refused to cover them. Even when all safety rules are followed damage can happen when, for example, wind starts blowing more than was forecasted thus moving the sand/ash and damaging the car.
These new circumstances have shown us the need to protect our customers from high damage costs due to sand/ash storms that might occur. For our customers' protection, we have decided to offer an insurance which covers this kind of damage. This new insurance SADW, or Sand & Ash Damage Waiver, covers our customers against damage due to ash/sandstorm damaging the paint of the car, windows, lights and plastic. SADW can be bought separately and has no relation with other insurances.
Please contact our reservation centre for more information.